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Do you want to make an impact on our community? Join up with one of our many opportunities where you can make an impact.
Food Cupboard (3rd Wednesday morning of the month) volunteers needed to set up, welcome and mingle with attendees, and clean up.
Clothing Giveaway (twice a year in the spring and fall) volunteers needed to set up, help on giveaway day, and take down
Backpack Giveaway - In August we need volunteers to prepare and help give away backbacks. We also need donors to help fill the backpacks school supplies.

Do you want to help make Sunday mornings the best worship experience? We are looking for:
Musicians - If you play an instrument we would love to have you lead the music portion of our service.
Tech Support - Each service needs support with excellent audio and visual support.
Scripture Readers - Would you like to read scripture on a Sunday morning?
Welcome Team - Welcome people as they arrive at Westview
Usher - Help attendees feel welcome, find them a seat, answer questions, as well as other important duties.
Tellers - Work on a team to count the Sunday offering

Do you want to make an impact on the next Generation by sharing your faith or supporting one of these ministries? Here are some of the areas you could serve in:
Youth Group Leader (Meets on most Friday Evenings from 7-10) For youth in Grades 6-12
Sunday Morning Children's Ministry Teacher or Assistant in the Nursery (Ages 0-18 mo) Toddler Room (Ages 18 mo - 4 yrs) Elementary (Grades JK-5)
Explorers Midweek Ministry - Lead a group of kinds as they grow in their faith with friends and great leaders
Vacation Bible Camp Summer Ministry - Station leaders (people who specialize in crafts, music, making snacks, teaching) and Group leaders

Be part of the church structure that helps organize our ministries. Below are the following committees that you can be a part of. Click the committee for a full job description.
Church Life Committee (Takes care of Christian Education and Spiritual Life of the church)
Outreach and Missions
Finance Committee
Human Resources and Property Management
Nominating Committee
Church Clerk
Executive Board Members-at-Large

Come be part of a small group where you can grow your faith and deepen your relationships.
We are looking for people to participate in groups that meet on Sunday mornings following the service or throughout the week. Click here to see what groups are currently available.
If you are interested in facilitating a group we would live to hear from you too. Click the button below to contact our leadership about leading a group.

There are many other ministries that take place through the year.
Library Ministry
Office Support
Craft Cupboard Coordinator
If you have an idea of where you would like to serve or if you are interested to know of other opportunities please contact us at christine@westviewbaptist.ca