Who We Are
Westmount and the world coming to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ.
To be a church that leads healthy conversations about Jesus Christ.
This church accepts the Scriptures as its authority in matters of faith and practice. Its understanding of Christian truth as contained in the Scriptures is in essential accord with other Baptist churches, but it has no statement of creed apart from the Scriptures, particularly the New Testament.
Our Team

Part Time Custodian
Vadym is our part-time Custodian, he joined us in July of 2024. He has a passion for outdoor activities like biking, hiking, and camping, he also enjoys other activities such as soccer and painting.
Our Executive Board
At Westview we have a volunteer board who lead many of our ministries. Please let us know if you would like to be in touch with any of our members regarding a specific area of ministry or with questions in general.
Executive Board Chair - Charlotte Van Roestel
Church Life Chair of Christian Education and Spiritual Life and Fellowship- David Norton
Outreach and Missions - Charlene Root
Human Resources and Property Management - Harvey Park
Finance Chair - Martha Reis
Nominating Committee Chair - Vacant
Church Clerk - Lois Garrett
Directors at Large - Sharon Griffiths, Rhodora Laylo, Susan Phillips.
Please contact our board through office@westviewbaptist.ca
Our Story
On June 1, 1981, a small portable trailer opened its doors to Westmount residents seeking worship.
Its parent churches at the Adelaide Street Baptist and First Baptist Churches had seeded money and members to build a new faith community in southwest London. For four years, the congregation, lead by its founding pastor, The Reverend Alex Moir, worshipped in the humble hut, united by their love of God and each other.
The church adopted its constitution on June 13, 1982. In October of that year, the church officially joined the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec and the Middlesex-Lambton Association. Three years later, the trailer would close its doors - not because the church was shuttering, but because it had outgrown its mobile home. On October 5, 1985, Westview's current, permanent building opened. With the added space came room for children's classes, youth groups, and adult ministries.
More and more Londoners joined Westview. Once again, the church had outgrown its building. So in 1995, the Westview Family Life Centre extension was built, featuring a full-sized gymnasium, four classrooms, a nursery, a playroom, and a youth recreation room. Plumbers, electricians and other laborers from the congregation helped with construction.
Today, Westview is a thriving faith community that gives back to London and the world. We run a food cupboard and cook meals for families in need, and send missionaries to Rwanda, Lebanon, South Africa, and more.