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Generosity and Blessing

by Patti O'Hara

Here is one of the things I love about Westview: its continual response to the needs of

others, whether they worship with us on Sunday mornings or not. When there is a need in the community for the basics necessary in the lives of London’s most challenged folks, you come through in a remarkable way, providing for so many who struggle. Last November, Susan Gilbert approached me about possibly putting together some warm clothing and toiletries for our friends at the CMHA Coffeehouse. We have enjoyed our partnership with the Coffeehouse for several years by providing dinners several times a year. I thought a donations drive was a great idea and from the response, I know you did too. I was blown away by your generosity and practical expressions of God’s love.

When we delivered the items, the staff and Coffeehouse friends were overwhelmed by all of the donations. In fact, the staff were wondering if they had enough room to store it all. Truly, it reminded me of Malachi 3:10, “ ‘Test me in this’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.’ ” But the staff assured me that it would be distributed quickly as the need was so great. I got a lot of smiles and thank-you’s that day, so let me pass along the appreciation and gratitude of our Coffeehouse friends, and one from me, for being an example of what a church should be, demonstrating the love of Jesus and being His hands and feet. Thanks for loving those who struggle with poverty, addiction and mental illness because He loves them so much. Happy New Year, everyone!

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