by Jon DeActis
The summer has come and is going, too soon, too fast. But, the end of summer ushers in an amazing new season, autumn. The fall is coming and I approach this new season with the same excitement I experience approaching change in my own life situations.
I sometimes think God’s favourite season is autumn (this is not scriptural, just my thought) because it is a season where nature shows its incredible beauty in the changing colours and the freshness of the air. The fall is about change and reminds me of the changes we see in people. This year one of our youth was baptized at Camp Hermosa and another youth may be baptized late in August. I imagine the change in people who come to a point in their lives and decide that baptism is the next step in their spiritual journey – how awesome is that?
Youth group is always a place for change. Every year I am amazed at the changes I get to witness in the lives of young people. Every struggle, every challenge presents so many more opportunities for change and growth.
Another part of the fall change for me is that youth group gets a kick start again. The leaders will meet on Friday, September 6 at 7 p.m. and then youth group will start up on Friday, September 13 at 7-10 p.m. for our annual “Welcome Back” Pizza and Games Night.
Please continue to support the youth at Westview in the best way possible, through prayer!